Mind to Mind. Heart to Heart

Opening the lines of communication between you and your beloved pet.

Improve the quality of your pet's life with Animal Communication.
Ask specific questions to receive a better understanding of what your pet needs you to know.
I give them an out loud voice through the practice of inward intuition. Mind to Mind. Heart to Heart.
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Animal Communication - Using Intuition
Animals use body language to communicate but they also communicate telepathically with one another. You can talk to them at any time. A common misperception about telepathy is that it requires us to access an induced state of altered consciousness. That is far from the truth. The key is learning to listen with your heart and feel what they have to say. Intuition is key to telepathic communication. It is an ability we all have, it is just a matter of awakening it, developing it and trusting it. Distance is not a factor. We simply need a current photo that clearly shows their eyes.

Intuition - Our 6th Sense
Have you ever been thinking of someone and the phone rings and it's them? This is not a coincidence. Our right side of the brain is for creativity, feelings and intuition - our 6th sense. Most times intuition kicks in when there is a sense of urgency - a mother knowing her child needs her, or knowing someone or an animal is injured or ill. Going with your gut feeling is intuition. It can be as simple as realizing you need to let your dog out or making the decision to feed your cat the chicken flavor today. There are times they are trying to tell you these things and the idea to do something pops into your head. Although we cannot explain how this works, we know that it does. Telepathic communication is wholly grounded in the here and now. Literally. Feet firmly planted on solid earth and our full attention in the present moment.

What Would You Ask?
Think of what you could find out! You can let them know you are going on vacation and help them to understand what to expect! Some animals are afraid you will not come back, especially those that have been adopted or abused.

Do you have any pain or discomfort in your body?
How can I help you change your behavior?
Is there anything from the past that you want me to know?

Let your animals know when you are going on vacation.
Ease their anxiety with an Animal Communication Session before, during and after your vacation!

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